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Introducing Brady's Video for 'Faces of ABLE'

Hostage to Silence

Earlier this summer we announced that Brady was chosen to be a "Faces of ABLE" spokesperson of the ABLE United Savings Account, which gives Floridians with a disability a tax-free way to save without losing government benefits.

In June we spent a day filming the marketing video at Peace of Heart and at our home. They interviewed Brian and me, and they also interviewed Brady with the help of Facilitated Communication and Hope, one of Brady’s amazing teachers at BridgeHaven Academy! The video will be used on their website, youtube channel and digital marketing.

Title: Real Heart

Hope fills your heart.
The heart is a very good friend.
Broken hearts are hard.
They are tricky to understand in your mind.
Broken hearts are hard to mend.
Hearts don‘t want to dream within their chamber if their not fed hope.
Protect yourself, stand guard.

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Oct 20, 2021

Brady, You are incredible! Your beautiful and creative writing is inspiring and your skills, limitless. Wishing you the best with your new book


Shirley Wolf
Oct 20, 2021

Brady you sure such an amazing young man and this is just the Beginning!!! Congratulations and can’t wait to see what you do next


Rosa Laboda
Oct 19, 2021

Wow!! You are going somewhere!! It’s remarkable how much you have accomplished. We are so proud of you.

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