I want to form friendships with those hopeless people and help them understand autism. The people can tell me more about their experiences.They can ask me questions. Hope I can help. Friends form long hopeless posts because the are lost in a world I rule. I can help navigate choppy waters but I can't drive the boat. I have been working very hard on my poetry book so soon you all will be able to read it.
Good luck everyday.
Love you, Brady.

Title: Food for thought.
Don't know good hope sometimes.
I know extra pressures that normal kids don't.
Don't get me wrong I"m off the radar.
Good very good typically but it would be nice to care about normal things like the brand i think is cool or the people that like me.
High school is just not the same for me.
I really feel that hope skips me some days.
Thank you for all that you are doing Brady. It is so important and valuable. I can't wait to read your poetry. You are so talented.
Brady you are an Amazing Guy! Don’t ever forget that! GOD has given you a special job to do and you are doing it remarkably and know your Ya Ya is watching you every step of the way. We all have down days and get discouraged but that is part of life too. Can’t wait for your poetry book! Love reading your poems. Love you Brady Your Ya Ya’s good friend Shirley