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Awareness of Autism

Hostage to Silence

Brady relishes the opportunities that Facilitated Communication afford him.

A couple weeks ago he asked to treat to lunch some guys that “get” him. We were so excited for his desire to socialize, and everyone we invited on his behalf attended.

We had a nice lunch, everyone got along, and they all made plans to hang with Brady individually.

I asked Brady if he had fun and if he wanted to do it again. He said no to both. I was confused. It was his idea and his guest list.

This is what he told me:

too hard to normal too much shows stupid autism.
i show autism.
get too embarrassed.

His answer crushed me. How can I get Brady to understand that autism doesn’t define him? People like him for who is, his goofy, sweet self. And those who don’t and make fun of him aren’t worth his time.

Brady's embarrassment from his autism is a common thread of conversation. Following is an excerpt from a recent typing session.


Brady, please tell everybody a little something about you. It doesn’t have to be about autism, just about you as a person.

how can i talk about self without autism.

You are so much more than autism; you have autism you aren’t autism.

autism is wrapped into all my interests. yes. being in autism teaches you its all succumbing. water carries my heavy hearted body i cant feel enveloped anywhere else. cars zooming fast are a light show for vision seeking a dance of movement. finding friends who connect briefly breaks the autism mold and mutes the isolation.

When you see someone displaying their symptoms of autism, realize that they can’t control their bodies no matter how hard they try. They understand what they are doing isn’t “normal,” and your reaction really affects them more than you can comprehend. Compassion and empathy can help quell the feeling of isolation and humiliation.

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